Directors' duties and liabilities in the Cayman Islands

Christopher Smith and Lee Hart of KRyS Global contributed to International Insolvency’s Q&A guide to group insolvency and directors’ duties in the Cayman Islands.  The Q&A is part of the International Insolvency: Group Insolvency and Directors’ Duties Global Guide. For a full list of contents, please visit

The Q&A global guide provides an overview of insolvency from the perspective of companies that are operating within a domestic and/or international family of companies, and considers the various complexities that this can introduce into insolvency procedures. It also has a significant concentration on duties, liabilities, insurance, litigation, and subsequent restrictions imposed on directors and officers of an insolvent company.

To compare answers across multiple jurisdictions, visit the International Insolvency: Group Insolvency and Directors’ Duties Country Q&A tool.