Her Majesty’s Attorney General v. A Defendant


The Defendant was charged in the Royal Court of Jersey with 5 counts of larceny. The offences were alleged to have been committed during the course of the Defendant’s employment as the manager of a night club which gave the Defendant access to an automatic teller machine.


We were instructed by the Defendant’s Counsel to produce an expert forensic report, and undertook a range of Agreed Upon Procedures to address the charges. Our Agreed Upon Procedures failed to identify any verifiable evidence regarding certain indictments being pursued by the Prosecutor. Before we reached the point of completing our report, and whilst awaiting receipt of responses to certain queries raised with the Prosecutor, the Prosecutor advised that they were dropping all charges and would not take any further action against the Defendant.

Value Added:

KRyS Global’s diligent analysis of the information relied upon by the Prosecution identified a number of potential issues or discrepancies that challenged the veracity of the evidence and resulted in all charges against the Defendant being dropped.