Latest Community Involvement
KRyS Global is lead sponsor for 15th Edition of Off The Beaten Track (POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER - NOW FEBRUARY 23 2025)
Off The Beaten Track Comes Around Again in 2023!
Fancy a 5K Run/Walk in the Queen Elizabeth II Botanical Park?
KRyS Global supports Alex Panton Foundation’s 5th Annual Youth Mental Health Symposium
KRyS Global Supports Toys for Tots Charity Appeal
KRyS Global Sponsors Queen’s Birthday 5k Run/Walk
KRyS Global Supports NCVO HeARTS From Home
Eat!! Eat!! Eat!! … KRyS Global wants you to Chow Down
The management of KRyS Global believe the firm has a corporate and social obligation to make a difference in the communities in which it operates. Consistent with the vision of the Executive Chairman and Founder, KRyS Global supports two broad areas of necessity, hardship or deprivation. Those involve private events and programmes that focus on the development and safekeeping of children; and those that encourage healthy lifestyles and well-being.
Since its launch in 2007, KRyS Global has contributed in excess of $1,000,000 towards a variety of initiatives that reach these two objectives.
Off the beaten track
KRyS Global is the main organizer and sponsor of Off The Beaten Track – a one of a kind, 50 KM off-road ultra-marathon and relay race which takes place in the beautiful Cayman Islands .Off The Beaten Track (or OTBT as it is fondly called) is the brain-child of Founder and Executive Chairman Kenneth Krys. Ken is an avid Ultra-Marathon runner and wanted to bring his experience to Cayman’s running community with a brand new route and new challenges each year. We have raised over US $120,000 for the charity Facing Africa, along with other charities since the event’s inception in 2009.
raised for charity since 2007